Course Description

Tony Chattin

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction to Human Rights

    • What are Human Rights?

    • Evolution of human rights

    • Human Rights - Key agreements

    • 1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights - your thoughts

    • 2. International human rights conventions - your thoughts

    • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

    • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights - Quiz

  • 2

    Some Human Rights Scenarios

    • Introduction

    • Scenario 1: Supply chain and non-discrimination

    • Scenario 2: Supply chain and child labour

    • Scenario 3: Access to land and prior consultation

  • 3

    Values of the International Community

    • Introduction

    • Values quiz

    • Changing international landscape

    • Stakeholder relations

  • 4

    What does this mean for business?

    • The context

    • The business case

    • 3. Human rights in your company - your thoughts

    • Sector-specific initiatives encompassing human rights codes and procedures

  • 5

    Human Rights implementation and enforcement mechanisms - 'Protect'

    • Introduction

    • 'Protect'

    • Judicial enforcement

    • Treaty bodies

    • Human Rights Council

    • Human Rights Council

    • The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

  • 6

    Respecting Human Rights

    • Introduction

    • The Corporate Responsibility to Respect

    • Due diligence - Scope

    • Due dilience - Policies and processes

    • What should a human rights due diligence process include?

    • 4. Human rights due diligence process - your thoughts

    • Integration of the human rights policies

    • Tracking performance

    • Communicating on risks and responses

    • Business and Human Rights Tools

  • 7

    Supporting Human Rights

    • Sphere of Influence and the Global Compact Principles

    • How to Support Human Rights

    • The Different Components of a Company's Sphere of Influence

    • Workplace

    • Supply chain

    • Marketplace

    • 5. Sector/ Marketplace human rights issues - your thoughts

    • Community

    • 6. Typical PSC spheres of influence

  • 8


    • Introduction

    • The Cost of Complicity

    • Understanding Complicity

    • Types of Complicity

    • Direct complicity

    • Beneficial complicity

    • Silent complicity

    • The Legal Risk of Complicity

    • The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

    • Risk of Complicity Within A Company

  • 9


    • Introduction

    • Why Non-judicial Dispute Resolution?

    • Some case studies

    • Different Ways to Resolve Disputes

    • Characteristics of Effective Dispute Resolution Processes

    • Remedy - Legitimate and trusted

    • Remedy - Rights compatible

    • Remedy - Publicized and accessible

    • Remedy - Transparent

    • Remedy - Predictable

    • Remedy - Fair and empowering

    • Remedy - Dialogue-based

  • 10


    • Concluding thoughts

    • MSS Global Free Internet Resource Links - Public Edition -v2